There are 400 million children in India.
35% of the population is living on under $1 a day.
One in every ten children is disabled in India.
1 out of every 6 girls does not live to see her 15th birthday.
Every sixth girl child's death is due to gender discrimination.
28% of girls are abused between the ages of 8 and 12.
There are approximately 2 million child commercial sex workers between the age of 5 and 15 years and about 3.3 million between 15 and 18 years.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Birthday Celebration

Today may have been the best food day yet! (I've been thinking that when I return my eating habits may be quite changed. In one week I've embraced the idea of how to ONLY eat what is absolutely necessary to stave of hunger.) Today however was a different story. Lunch was fried potatoes and collard greens. No rice, no oil based gravy, rather a green vegetable and crunchy potatoes. Dinner was rice pudding. I don't want to hear anything from you health freaks out there. It's my birthday and if I want to be thankful for the dietary reprive and enjoy the 'bad for me stuff' it's my prerogative!

We went to a movie this evening, Unjau Jaan, a hindi love story that recently was released. Ok, I may not understand the speaking but how hard can it be to follow a traditional love story set in 17th century India? I was right, my version of the storyline was mostly on track. Problem was, I found that out at the intermission of the three hour movie. Avoid Indian movies out of Bollywood if you don't understand the language. It's hard to keep focused for that long.

Still, it was a great treat for the kids and a very different celebration for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know the girls just won state for the second year in a row. they won the first game lost the second won the third lost the fourth then won the fifth. :)

4:07 PM


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